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What People are Saying About Mission Control
Over 20,000 people around the world have participated in Mission Control workshops and programs since 2001.
I'm amazed by the sense of accomplishment that I have realized from using Mission Control. Before, when I was at work, I was multitasking and working hard, yet at the end of the day I lost track of what I had completed. Now, I know what I'm going to do on a particular day, and I get it done. I also have time to focus on one thing at a time and give it 100% of my effort, with a higher quality output. It's awesome.
David Rose | Manager of Standard Products and Tools, Metrowerks, a subsidiary of Motorola
Looking back at all the training programs I experienced during my eight years at McKinsey & Company and Ernst & Young, none surpassed Mission Control's two-day workshop in offering a significant boost to my productivity and ability to generate results.
Lisa Smith Leight | Principal, Stanton Associates
Before Mission Control, I forgot things, found myself rushed to meet important due dates, worried about if and when things would get done, and would lose my sense of humor with even the smallest interruption. Today, I experience none of that. I find I actually have more time to do the things I want, and I am no longer stressed out and worried all the time-which my wife likes. Mission Control isn't just a set of tools, it's a way of living in control. Who wouldn't want that?
Dr. Jeffrey D. Ford | Associate Professor of Management, The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business
Since taking Mission Control, I've had a 100% increase in productivity. I now have control over my work and I'm working on the things that truly make a difference for my company. And, my peace of mind has increased because I am able to be truthful about when things are going to be done. Now if I say it is going to be done, it's done. It's priceless.
Debbie Hyde-Duby | President, Pearle VisionCare, Inc., a subsidiary of Cole National
Life is so much easier since Mission Control. I have no stress when I look at my calendar now. Mission Control completely changed my relationship to everything I have to do! This is a great class and I recommend it to everybody!
Randi Smith | Project Manager, Dell Computer
Since I took the workshop nearly a year ago, I've doubled my productivity. This increase comes not only from implementing the system but also from the clarity and peace of mind I now have. The most profound change has been the way that clarity impacts how I do my job. It's incredible.
Marty Millington | Senior Human Resources Manager, Toshiba America
The two days I spent were of great practical value. The workshop ultimately brings the participant to a clear understanding of his or her limitations—the constraints of time and energy that we usually deny. What I saw in the workshop was that accepting these constraints was the beginning of real creative stewardship of my gifts.
Steven Tomlinson | Finance Professor, MBA Program, University of Texas
I'm a single parent, working full time—so juggling work, home and my social life placed me on a treadmill that left me unfulfilled, drained and powerless. I could not see how else to live my life. Taking this course showed me that there was another way to live and work. I am now relaxed, confident and in control.
Norman Vasquez | Human Resources Consultant and Contract Negotiator, PSE&G
I took the Mission Control program when I was working on an extensive multi-year project to install an integrated computer system in our hospitals and had hit a wall with everything I was trying to accomplish. Since the Mission Control workshop, I have given up thinking I can do it all. I have a better handle on what I can and cannot do, and I am in communication with my manager and our project team. Now, we can find the resources to do those things that I am not able to schedule (or admit that we are not going to do them), instead of pretending we will magically get to them. Plus, I am now able to leave work at the end of the day and focus on my family, rather than taking my work home with me.
Don Sutton | Senior Staff Pharmacist, Northern Arizona Healthcare
An ingenious and highly effective system, yet easy to grasp and quick to implement, Mission Control's seminar at Britannia Royal Naval College provided me with an extremely useful method of balancing an increasingly busy schedule whilst delivering tangible results. It's an excellent programme for the busiest of leaders spanning the widest range of professions.
Using an engaging instructional style, the Mission Control team presented a method which requires self-discipline, and applied it using readily available PC tools, which enabled the delegates to get a firm grip on their professional and personal lives, and deliver a more productive and sensible work-life balance as a consequence.
Commodore Tony Johnstone-Burt | OBE ADC Royal Navy, Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, England
The course was excellent. I'm so amazed at all that I've accomplished just this weekend AND how clear I am about where things should go. It makes scheduling and organizing (dare I say it?) FUN!!!!
Bonnie Juul | M.A., Founder and Yoga Instructor, Yoga New Mexico
I came into the workshop looking for a greater capacity to manage details. I knew that if I could do that, I could get more research done and I would also have more energy and more fun in doing the research. It worked! Just from Mission Control, I saved us from being a month behind schedule, which enabled us to do 40% more of an experiment. For me, science is about thinking deeply and clearly about things. That's what Mission Control provides. It's given me a greater ability to come up with clever ideas, which is the fun part about doing scientific research.
Commodore Tony Johnstone-Burt | OBE ADC Royal Navy, Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, England
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